Logo Universität Bayreuth
Two people sitting on green chairs and talking

Awards and certificates

The University of Bayreuth is more than just a place to learn, work, or study. The fact that we live up to this claim time and again can be seen, among other things, in our awards and certificates. They are confirmation and at the same time an obligation to consistently pursue the values to which we are committed in our mission statement: promoting diversity, equal opportunities and family-friendliness, excellence in research and teaching, and sustainability in all our actions.

Family Friendly University

Logo Family at the university

We attach great importance to creating the optimal conditions for the compatibility of work, study, and family. The family-friendly infrastructure of our campus was audited in 2006, 2010 and 2013 by berufundfamilie gGmbH of the Hertie Foundation and found to be of a good standard. In 2016, the University of Bayreuth joined the best practice club "Family in Higher Education" and signed the corresponding charter.

University of Bayreuth to become fully accessible

Logo of Bavaria barrier-free

Fully-accessible studying - we work every day to make this possible at our university. Every student at our university should have the same opportunity to obtain a university degree. With or without a handicap, everyone should be able to participate in social life on an equal footing. For its efforts, the University of Bayreuth received the 2017 'Bavaria Barrier-Free' award from Bernd Sibler in his function as State Secretary for Science.

Bavaria‘s first Fairtrade University

Logo Fairtrade University

Think globally – act locally. We acknowledge the responsibility we have as a university through our consumption choices. We aim to help improve the living conditions of all people in our various supply chains. That is why we have already switched many products to Fairtrade. For this, we were the first university in the Free State of Bavaria to receive an award. This is both an honour and an obligation for us.

Seal of quality for studies and teaching

Logo of System Akkreditiert

To provide students with a high level of professional competence, to promote the development of their personality and also to enable them to become socially involved – all of our degree programmes are geared towards these goals. To ensure that the required quality standards are met, we have developed our own quality assurance system. This is accredited by the Accreditation Council until 2030.

Successful in internationalization

red cube of HRK-RE-Audit Internationalization of universities

In 2012/13, we submitted our internationalization strategy to the "Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions" of the German Rectors' Conference audit for the first time. The successful completion of the three-year re-audit in October 2019 certifies that our university has committed itself to clear internationalization goals and is systematically pursuing them.

Fair and transparent appointment negotiations at the University of Bayreuth

  DHV seal of approval for fair and transparent appointment negotiations

Appointment and retention negotiations at the University of Bayreuth are characterised by fairness, appreciation, transparency, and reliability. For this, the University of Bayreuth was awarded the seal of quality of the German University Association (DHV) for fair and transparent appointment negotiations in 2018.

University of Bayreuth is "Partner University of Top Sports

Logo of the partner university elite sport

In order to make it easier for student athletes to balance their studies and top-level sport, the German University Sports Association (adh) initiated the "Partner University of Top-level Sport" project with various partners. The University of Bayreuth has boasted this title since June 2018.

Healthy Workforce Seal

Employee health certificate

We work consistently to enable healthy living, working, and studying at the University of Bayreuth. In 2020, the University of Bayreuth was awarded the Healthy Workforce quality seal of the nationwide Corporate Health Initiative. The seal recognizes outstanding concepts and measures in the area of health promotion.

Digital Campus Award for the University of Bayreuth

Digital Campus Award Logo

Students give the University of Bayreuth top marks for the level of digitalization on campus. A total of 12,715 students at 239 universities and colleges in Germany voted and ranked the University of Bayreuth first among the universities. UniNow GmbH, a provider of campus apps, presented the Digital Campus Awards. UniNow's Digital Campus Index provides an overview of student satisfaction with digitalization at their university. It assesses the digital quality of lectures, equipment, administration and other areas at the university. 

Also excellent from a didactic point of view: the prizes for good teaching

The University of Bayreuth is not only characterized by optimal structures  – there are also excellent learning conditions for students. This can also be seen in the teaching awards we have received, which are regularly awarded to us by various institutions.