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Someone checks electrical installations on the relay protection system

Electrical Engineering and Information System Technology, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

The German-taught Bachelor's degree programme in Electrical Engineering and Information Systems Engineering combines competences in the established core areas of electrical engineering with those of computer science and is thus primarily aimed at those who seek an interdisciplinary education at the interface of hardware and software. Students gain insights into the scientific and practice-relevant development of innovative technical solutions for obtaining, processing, distributing and using information, in short: for designing digital living environments.

Platzhalterbild Person
Top modules + lecturers. Very good organisation via own website. Semester 1 contains basic courses in computer science, physics, maths, and chemistry. All three modules are well linked to school and also lead on to following material very well. In addition to the lectures, weekly exercises help with understanding.

Manuel, Rating on studycheck.de

This degree programme is taught in German.

Good knowledge of German is an essential prerequisite to successfully completing the degree programme. Proof of German language proficiency at C1 level or equivalent is required for admission. For detailed information, please see the German version of the study programme site.

Any more questions? Please contact the coordinator of the degree programme.

Profilbild Prof. Dr.‐Ing. M.‐M. Bakran

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mark-Matthias BakranChair of Mechatronics

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-7800
E-mail: bachelor.eist@uni-bayreuth.de

Naturwissenschaften III (NW III), Office 0.30

Have we aroused your interest? You can find all information about the Bachelor Electrical Engineering and Information System Technology at the University of Bayreuth on the website.

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