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Networking of different countries and continents

International Economics & Development, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Contact across language and cultural boundaries is one of the most distinctive characteristics of our present time. Global as well as regional structures are integrated into international contexts, be it in science, art, and literature, or in economics, law, and technology. This is accompanied by processes of stimulation, adaptation, and rejection, cooperation and competition, acceptance, tolerance, and dissonance; and these relate both to languages and to people, topics and subject areas.

Platzhalterbild Person
Exciting options for specializations. Good and uncomplicated semester abroad, especially in its organization. Individual and spontaneous support. Wide range of interdisciplinary subjects and seminars, including ones from the numerous related courses. Good and free language training. Course offerings on core competencies such as computer programmes and soft skills.

Fiona, Rating on studycheck.de

This degree programme is taught in German.

Good knowledge of German is an essential prerequisite to successfully completing the degree programme. Proof of German and English language proficiency at B2 level or equivalent is required for admission. For detailed information, please see the German version of the study programme site.

Any questions? We are happy to inform, advise and support you – confidentially, personally, independently!

Contact for questions about application, admission and requirements for prospective international students:

Contact for questions about studying, general advice on choosing a course of study, changing subjects, and problems during studies:

Zentrale Studienberatung der Universität Bayreuth

Student Advising

Hotline: +49 (0)921 / 55-4433 (Tue-Thu, 10-11 a.m.)
Website: www.studienberatung.uni-bayreuth.de/en/index.html

Link to contact form

Have we aroused your interest? You can find all information about the Bachelor International Economics & Development at the University of Bayreuth on the website.

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