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Equal opportunities & diversity

The University of Bayreuth views the diversity of its students, teachers, and employees as an asset. We are expressly committed to the goals of: gender equality, inclusion, equal opportunities, and family-friendliness.

The aim of the University of Bayreuth is therefore to identify and eliminate forms of personal and structural discrimination, and thus create a gender- and diversity-friendly university culture. This includes questioning power and hierarchies in University structures.

 Furthermore, it is committed to advancing gender equality in research work, teaching, and studies, and to significantly increasing the proportion of women, especially in areas where women are underrepresented. The University of Bayreuth has set out its goals and strategies for equal opportunities and more diversity in its 2025 Structural & Development Plan.

The Future Equality Concept is based on the Structure and Development Plan, in the preparation of which four future-oriented strategic and sustainable equality policies were developed in cooperation with the University Governing Board: increasing the proportion of women in top academic positions, career and personnel development, especially for young female academics, and attracting female students to subjects in which women are underrepresented.

The path to the goal: The measures of our 2025 Structural & Development Plan

Equal opportunities & diversity...

...in research

  • Promoting the inter- and transdisciplinary, critical, and self-reflexive potential of diversity and gender studies and other research fields that deal with questions of inclusion, social inequality, and equality.
  • Consideration of gender and diversity aspects, as well as equity as essential elements of high-quality research, and support of such research.
  • Increasing the proportion of women in areas of research where they are underrepresented

...in teaching

  • Consideration of topics such as gender and diversity as well as discrimination, participation, and equal opportunities in as many subject areas as possible through specific counselling and measures adapted to the subject area.
  • Promoting gender- and diversity-conscious attitudes among teachers and people involved in the supervision of students.
  • Expansion of supportive, inclusive, and family-friendly structures

... regarding Third Mission

  • Educating students so that they can assume responsibility as diversified and gender-competent individuals in their professions and in society.
  • Knowledge transfer in the areas of inclusion, equality, and diversity through the "Bavarian Research and Information Centre - Inclusive Universities and Cultural Institutions" (BayFinkK) as well as through regional cooperation and public events.
  • Improving the structural conditions for women entrepreneurs through the Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation.

...and governance

  • Educating students so that they can assume responsibility as diversified and gender-competent individuals in their professions and in society.
  • Knowledge transfer in the areas of inclusion, equality, and diversity through the "Bavarian Research and Information Centre - Inclusive Universities and Cultural Institutions" (BayFinkK) as well as through regional cooperation and public events.
  • Improving the structural conditions for women entrepreneurs through the Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation.


Vizepräsidentin Prof. Dr. Nina Nestler

Prof. Dr. Nina NestlerVice-President of Internationalisation, Gender Equality & Diversity  

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-6100
E-mail: vp-international@uni-bayreuth.de

Dr. Stefan Kurth

Dr. Stefan KurthHead of Diversity Service Unit

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4545
E-mail: stefan.kurth@uni-bayreuth.de

Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar

Prof. Dr. Heike FeldhaarWomen’s Representative of the University of Bayreuth  

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-2645
E-mail: heike.feldhaar@uni-bayreuth.de

Miriam Bauch

Miriam Bauch Head of Equal Opportunities Service Unit

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-2218
E-mail: miriam.bauch@uni-bayreuth.de