What is a city doing on a volcano? What am I allowed to do on the internet? How do the police catch criminals? And am I allowed to buy, say, 1,000 sweets with my pocket money? As a child, you have many questions.
Fortunately, there are adults who know the answers – for example, our professors at the University of Bayreuth. They will answer your questions at KinderUni, which takes place annually in cooperation with the City of Bayreuth. All pupils from 2nd to 6th grade from Bayreuth and the surrounding area are most welcome! Admission is free, registration is not required.
The dates for the KinderUni 2024 have already been finalised. It will take place on Wednesday, 26 June, 3 July, 10 July and 17 July 2024 from 17:15 to 18:00 in the Audimax.
As every year, the children can decide for themselves who is allowed to give a lecture at the KinderUni. You can find the selection process and voting here:
These were the children's lectures at the KinderUni 2024:
26 June 2024, 17.15 Uhr, Audimax – Prof. Dr. Holger Kress
What is light
“Light is almost everywhere. We need it to see. But what exactly is light? Is it really faster than anything else? How is a rainbow created? How can you use light to examine very small things with a microscope? Can light particles also exert forces? Is it possible to build a tractor beam like in Star Wars using a laser? We want to clarify these and other questions with the help of exciting experiments.”
3 July 2024, 17.15 Uhr, Audimax – Prof. Dr. Rebecca Preller
How do I improve my pocket money with lemons?
Do you sometimes wish you had more pocket money? Together we will think about how, with lemons, a little time, friends and a lot of imagination, we can not only have fun in good weather, but ideally also increase our pocket money.
10 July 2024, 17.15 Uhr, Audimax – Prof. Dr. Niklas Kühl
How much trust is good? A treasure hunt with artificial intelligence
In this lecture we go on an exciting treasure hunt in which we use clever computers to solve mysterious puzzles! We will delve into the world of artificial intelligence and discover how we can help computers make the best decisions. We learn when to trust them and when it's better to think again. With each treasure chest we find, we not only open secret doors, but also open our eyes to the importance of finding the right level of trust. Come along on this adventure!
17 July 2024, 17.15 Uhr, Audimax – Prof. Dr. André Gröschel
Batteries: the small power storage devices
Have you ever wondered what's in a battery? Where and how exactly is the electricity stored in these small packages and later retrieved and used. How do the batteries in your cell phones, laptops, or electric cars actually work and why can't you just throw empty batteries in the trash? And what if there were no more batteries? We answer questions about the structure, function and recycling of batteries in the Children's University lecture. And we'll show you how you can build a battery yourself. Made from potatoes!!!
To bridge the time, we recorded three KinderUni lectures (in German):
Professorin Dr. Heike Feldhaar, Tierökologie, zum Thema "Insektenrückgang – ist das schlimm?" in 2021
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Professor Georg Herink, Experimentalphysik, zum Thema "Laserschwerter – jetzt wird's gefährlich" in 2021
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Prof. Dr. Birgit Weber, ehemals Anorganische Chemie IV, "Experimente aus der Chemie" in 2020
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Accessories and Blu-Rays
Each year, the University’s KinderUni lectures are recorded. They can be purchased on Blu-Ray for you to enjoy the lectures over and over again at home. The latest Blu-Ray from 2019 costs 10 euros. The Blu-Rays from 2018 and 2017 are also still available.
Are you a fan of KinderUni and would like to have a souvenir? The KinderUni owl is available for 8 euros. In addition, there are other accessories, such as colourful T-shirts (10 euros). Booklets on the lectures are available for 3 euros. Travel mugs in lively colours are the latest addition to our collection. They are made of porcelain and are on sale for 15 euros.
The KinderUni accessories are available all year round from Press, Marketing & Communications, ZUV Building, Room 3.08 (phone: 0921 / 55-5324; pressestelle@uni-bayreuth.de).
Special thanks to our partners and sponsors:
Organization of KinderUni
Ursula Küffner KinderUni, Media Relations, Editing