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Pupils at uni-day sitting on stairs laughing

Unitag in Bayreuth (Uni-Day)

For gifted students who wish to broaden their horizons beyond school lessons, the University of Bayreuth offers Unitag. Once a week, particularly motivated young people swap the classroom for the lecture hall.

This is how Unitag works

Unitag participants are released from regular lessons one day a week by the school management and attend individually selected courses. The students choose these courses from the general programme.

The Ministry of Education reimburses travel costs to Unitag, and participants also have insurance cover. Students are responsible for catching up on the school material they have missed.

Further information on Unitag can also be found on the homepage of the Ministerialbeauftragten für die Gymnasien in Oberfranken (Ministerial Commissioner for Grammar Schools in Upper Franconia) under Sonstige Förderprogramme“.

Further information on the Unit Day can also be found on the homepage of the Ministerial Representative under "Begabtenförderung" and on the homepage of the Centre for Teacher Training under "Für Schülerinnen und Schüler".

How to take part in Unitag

Unitag is a project of the Bavarian State Ministry for Education and Cultural Affairs and the University of Bayreuth, in cooperation with the responsible Ministerial Commissioner for Upper Franconia. It is a type of early study and is aimed at particularly capable and motivated pupils in grade 11 of grammar school. Those who would like to take part in Unitag should raise the matter at their school. The school will then suggest suitable pupils to the Ministerial Representative, who then selects potential participants.

Contacting the Ministerial Commissioner:

Ministerial Commissioner for Grammar Schools in Upper Franconia
Ltd. OStD Martin Rohde

Contact details
Office of the Ministerial Commissioner
for Grammar Schools in Upper Franconia
Phone: +49 (0)9281 / 7286-41
E-mail: dienststelle@mb-gym-ofr.de
Fax: +49 (0)9281 / 7286-40
Gymnasiumsplatz 4-6, 95028 Hof (Saale)

Contact at the Ministerial Commissioner’s Office:
Petra Balaton
Phone: +49 (0)9281 / 7286-41
E-mail: rlfb@mb-gym-ofr.de
Fax: +49 (0)9281 / 7286-40

Contact at the University of Bayreuth for organisational questions:

Silhouette eines weiblichen Avatars

Dr. Doris Streber

Centre for Teacher Training

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-6016
E-mail: doris.streber@uni-bayreuth.de