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Publication? … simply Open Access.

Open Access has become a central component of Open Science in recent decades and brings with it many opportunities, but also many questions. For all your concerns and enquiries relating to the topics of Gold and Green Open Access, secondary publications, CC licences, predatory publishing, etc. the OA-team of the University Library will gladly assist you.

Open-Access publication fund

Publications in an OA journal sometimes incur publication charges (so-called APCs). To promote the golden route of OA publishing, researchers at the University of Bayreuth have access to an OA publication fund from which these publication fees can be (partially) covered under certain conditions. Information on how to apply for funding for your articles is compiled on the Website Open-Access publication fund.

Open Access monographs fund

In addition to the publication of Open Access articles, the publication of books in Open Access has also gained of importance in recent years, particularly in the humanities and social sciences. In order to meet the demands and requirements of different disciplinary cultures, researchers at the University of Bayreuth – in addition to funding of articles in (gold) OA journals – now have access to a fund for the publication of OA monographs. For further information on the conditions and how to apply for funding please visit the homepage of the Open-Access monographs fund

Open-Access framework contracts and DEAL

The University Library has entered into various cooperation agreements with publishers, in the course of which the publication fees for OA articles can be waived or reduced. You can find out which publishers allow this and under which conditions, and what you as a researcher need to bear in mind, on the page Workflows für die Open-Access-Publikation bei ausgewählten Verlagen.

If you have any questions in connection with the DEAL contracts, you will find detailed information on the DEAL project as well as the effects on members of Bayreuth University on a separate Website.

Open Journal Systems

Open Journal Systems Bayreuth (OJS Bayreuth) is a platform for managing and publishing scientific Open Access journals. This service for members of the University of Bayreuth enables the complete editorial workflow of a scientific journal to be clearly mapped in a uniform user interface. You can adapt the layout and editorial process to your individual requirements very flexibly. If you would like to publish your own OA journal, you can find information on this on the OJS Bayreuth page.

Secondary publishing

Articles that were not originally published in OA can often be made accessible via the Open Access Green Route through another platform (institutional or subject repository, personal website, or similar). In many cases, publishers allow their authors to publish their articles a second time under certain conditions. In this way, services such as the browser plug-in Unpaywall are also supported, which allow legal access to articles that would otherwise lie behind a so-called paywall. To find out how to access articles that are behind a paywall, see the page on alternative ways for finding and obtaining journal articles. If you would like to have your article behind a paywall secondary published in an OA variant, you can find support on the page on Möglichkeiten einer Zweitveröffentlichung Ihrer Fachartikel.

EPub Bayreuth

The Publikationsserver der Universität Bayreuth, EPub Bayreuth allows you to publish your publications (dissertations, postdoctoral theses, discussion papers, publication series, etc.) online free of charge in open access. You benefit from a variety of advantages (e.g. comprehensive dissemination and archiving). Likewise, planned or already published contributions (e.g. preprints, postprints, journal articles) can be posted here as Green Open Access within the framework of the Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht at no additional cost.

ERef Bayreuth

In the Hochschulbibliografie der Universität Bayreuth, ERef Bayreuth, you can enter the bibliographic data of your publications independently. You can use your entries in different ways, e.g. to display bibliographies on different websites or to export the data to literature management programmes. In addition, you raise the profile of the research performance of the University of Bayreuth.

Publication guidelines, author identification and funding acknowledgements

Recommendations for the standardised indication of institutional affiliation in your publications can be found in the guideline "The Affiliation in German and English Language Publications". Information on how you can help to ensure that your publications in databases are also clearly attributed to you as the author can be found on our page on Author Identification. If you are interested in the topic "Funding Acknowledgement", please visit our Funding Acknowledgements page.

Predatory Publishing

When publishing digitally, you should avoid so-called predatory publishers or predatory journals. These journals only pretend to provide quality assurance (peer review, indexing, etc.) and editorial processing of submitted articles in order to get article processing fees as quickly as possible. They are usually difficult for researchers to recognise as such. A compilation of tips for recognising such journals and further information on this can be found on the Predatory Publishing page.


To apply for funding from the Open Access Publication Fund or the Open Access Monographs Fund, please use our webform, which you can of course also use to ask general questions about Open Access or the DEAL project. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Open Access Support Team by e-mail: oa@uni-bayreuth.de