University of Bayreuth, Press Release No. 035/2023 - 30. March 2023
More than one million euros for technology transfer at the University of Bayreuth
The State Ministry for Science and the Arts announced today that three projects of the University of Bayreuth are among the new Bavarian projects for EU regional funding.
The following projects will be co-financed under the EU EFRE programme:
Gate2HPC at the Chair of Engineering Design and CAD:
The digitalisation of product development and the need to design new, resource-efficient products requires an increasing use of AI and simulation methods, resulting in a growing demand for computing resources. High Performance Computing (HPC) can massively support this process, but the usability of such systems is not pronounced and their integration into entrepreneurial processes is a challenge, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In the course of Gate2HPC, a gateway will be created that enables SMEs to use this technology and thus make digital product development more efficient and sustainable. In addition to providing access to HPC systems, the gateway will provide a selection of different artificial intelligence (AI) methods as an AI toolkit to solve tasks based on the analysis and evaluation of large amounts of data more quickly. (Funding amount: up to around 460,000 euros)
Ceramics Offensive in Bavaria (KerOBa) at the Chair of Ceramic Materials:
Here, after a thorough survey of the technology transfer needs of SMEs, workshops are to be offered to help SMEs develop more resource-efficient products, processes and services. Particular potential is seen here in the area of additive manufacturing of ceramic components and in the process analysis of high-temperature processes. Workshops on funding tools and statistical test planning are also planned to enable SMEs to design their development projects in a resource-saving way and to carry them out in a statistically secured manner. (Funding amount: up to about 570,000 euros)
Glass Alliance Bavaria for the low-CO2 production of glass and glass-based products (GABY) at the Keylab Glas Technology in cooperation with the TH Deggendorf:
The long-term joint innovation initiative "Glass in Bavaria" of the University of Bayreuth and the Technical University of Deggendorf has been facilitating sustainable technology transfer along the process chain of glass production for more than ten years. The network structures established there form the foundation for the new project. The transfer topics include all-electric heated furnaces and low-CO2 primary raw materials, increasing the adaptability of companies to fluctuating energy availability (demand side management) or securing long-term competitiveness through education and training as well as new glass-based products to secure the future of traditional companies. (Funding amount: up to around 850,000 euros)
With the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE), the EU promotes technology transfer between universities and small and medium-sized enterprises: The aim is to stimulate further innovation in SMEs and to answer current questions posed by companies. The projects are funded for two to five years.

Anja-Maria MeisterPress Spokesperson of the University of Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0) 921 / 55-5300