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University of Bayreuth, Press Release No 070 - 30 May 2023

Science and industry exchange about CO2-neutral production

The series of events "Wissen schafft Wirtschaft" (Knowledge creates economy) overcomes silo thinking: It bundles knowledge and expertise from the Upper Franconian science and Upper Franconia and brings globally active, renowned practitioners to Upper Franconia to exchange ideas with regional representatives. The next event on 14 June 2023 in Thurnau will be about CO2-neutral production. 

The European Green Deal, the Supply Chain Stewardship Act, the UN's Sustainability Goals and their social impact - all of these bring immense upheavals for business and society. This year's forum "Wissen schafft Wirtschaft" (Knowledge creates Economy) will show how these changes can be overcome and which innovative projects for CO2 neutrality are already being implemented in Upper Franconia. At the invitation of vbw - Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. Bezirksgruppe Oberfranken, Bayreuth University and Hof University of Applied Sciences, two excellent experts will speak: Dr. Gunter Beitinger, Vice President for Manufacturing, Siemens AG, Amberg on "Challenges of Production Management in an Increasingly Uncertain and Technology-Based Economy". Dr. Markus Seidel, the Head of Circular Economy in Research at the BMW Group will shed light on the "Competitive Advantage of Sustainability". Afterwards, examples from science and practice will be presented.

Dr. Gunter Beitinger, Vice President for Manufacturing, Siemens AG Amberg 

Dr. Markus Seidel, the Head of Circular Economy in Research at the BMW Group

Prof. Dr. Frank Döpper, Chair of Environmentally Sound Production Technology, University of Bayreuth talks with Dr. Stefan Klumpp, Board of Directors, HAMM AG, Tirschenreuth about "The significance of CO2 in the product life cycle".

The desire of customers for "green" products, or at least products whose environmental impact measured in CO2 is known and thus comparable, is steadily increasing. Many companies are therefore confronted with the challenge of knowing and reducing the negative environmental impacts of their products or their production processes. In line with a holistic approach, all CO2-generating elements must be taken into account. The classification of direct emissions (Scope 1), emissions from purchased energy (Scope 2) and emissions in the product life cycle (Scope 3) recorded in Green House Gas can be of assistance here. The example of a construction machine in the road construction process illustrates the imperative prioritisation of corporate and political measures.

Prof. Dr Michael Nase, Head of the Institute for the Circular Economy of Bio:Polymers (ibp) , University of Applied Sciences, Hof discusses "The production of sustainable artificial snow" with Olaf Thannheiser, Managing Partner KomRec-ReCond GmbH, Wunsiedel.

Despite the summer temperatures, the desire for a white Christmas in any weather is great, especially on film sets or in shopping centres. A sustainable solution for artificial snow is currently not yet available on the market. In the ZIM project "BioArtificial Snow", KomRec ReCond GmbH and HAW Hof dealt with precisely this problem. The aim was to develop bio-based and compostable artificial snow as a sustainable alternative to artificial snow made from conventional plastics. The circular economy of all raw materials and consequently products made from them will become the dominant research and development topic of the next ten years in the field of materials science.

Christina Leinauer, research assistant at the Chair of Business Informatics and Digital Energy Management, University of Bayreuth discusses with Christian Fröba, Technical Managing Director, Heinz-Glas GmbH & Co. KGaA, Tettau "The decarbonisation of the glass industry".

The energy-intensive glass industry faces major challenges in decarbonisation in terms of technical implementation, the necessary investments for conversion and economic operation with regard to the high electricity costs in Germany. The Heinz Glas Group has had know-how in the field of electrofusion for over 50 years. The task now is to scale up this know-how and convert all plants in Germany to fossil-free.

Prof. Dr Dieter Brüggemann, Head of the Centre for Energy Technology, University of Bayreuth presents the "UBT Future Energy Lab in Wunsiedel" with Marco Krasser, Managing Director, Stadtwerke Wunsiedel GmbH, Wunsiedel.

The energy transition can only be successful if innovative ideas are tested in reality. The cooperation between the University of Bayreuth and the city of Wunsiedel in the new "Future Energy Lab" is a prime example of how to implement research and development in a real energy park for the benefit of municipalities and companies. An important goal of the Future Energy Lab is to support regional businesses with energy-intensive processes in converting from fossil to renewable energies. Research and development are accompanied by programmes for further education and by the promotion of innovation and business start-ups.

The hosts are convinced of the necessity of forums such as "Wissen schafft Wirtschaft":

The President of the Hof University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann explains, "Only the intensive exchange between science and business, with the inclusion of social acceptance, creates climate-neutral products."

Prof. Dr. Stefan Leible, President of the University of Bayreuth, adds: "In view of the great challenges of our time, it is of immense importance that science and business know each other, network and work together on solutions. Therefore: Get out of the ivory tower, out of the factory, into the network. Our event makes this possible in the best possible way!

Patrick Püttner, Managing Director of the vbw Upper Franconia District Group emphasises: "In order to master the transformation, science and business go hand in hand - this applies to Bavaria and the region. With 'Wissen schafft Wirtschaft' we have created a forum in which we jointly develop solutions for current challenges."


Wednesday, 14. June 2023
12 to 5 pm
Thurnau Castle, Carriage House
Market Place 1
D-95349 Thurnau

Participation is free of charge. The event will be moderated by Kerstin Dolde, Frankenpost. The event will take place in presence and will also be streamed online. Registration here: https://www.vbw-bayern.de/vbw/Termine/Wissen-schafft-Wirtschaft-13.jsp . Registration deadline is 09 June 2023.

Anja Maria Meister

Anja-Maria Meister

Press Spokesperson of the University of Bayreuth

Phone: +49 (0) 921 / 55-5300
E-mail: anja.meister@uni-bayreuth.de