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University of Bayreuth, Press Release No 061/2024 – 28.05.2024

New Fellows at the Bayreuth Humboldt Center

The decision on the Senior and Junior Fellows for 2024 has been made. Eight scientists from all over the world will come to Bayreuth with this fellowship.

Since 2019, the University of Bayreuth Centre of International Excellence “Alexander von Humboldt” (Bayreuth Humboldt Centre) has been recognizing international guest scientists who come to the University of Bayreuth for research stays. They cooperate with their Bayreuth hosts and get to know the Upper Franconian campus as a dynamic place of learning and research where interdisciplinarity and creative thinking are practiced.

The eight Fellows come from seven different countries. “The selection of the fellows was particularly exciting this year,” says Prof. Dr. Anna Köhler, Director of the Bayreuth Humboldt Centre. “For the first time, the majority of applications came from the humanities. We are delighted that the number of applications has stabilized at a good level.” This year's fellowships go to:

Meeting on the occasion of the selection meeting of the External Advisory Board: Prof. Dr. Michael Sander, Prof. Dr. Richard Cogdell, Dr. Christian Bode, Prof. Dr. Natalie Stingelin, Prof. Dr. Anna Köhler (bottom row from left), Prof. Dr. Arndt Bode, Prof. Dr. Laura Rischbieter, Dominika Hösch (middle row from left), Prof. Dr. Bernhard Herz, Susanne Lopez, Prof. Dr. Stephan Kümmel (top row from left).

Susanne Lopez Enriquez

Susanne Lopez Enriquez

Managing Director Bayreuth Humboldt Center

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5223
E-mail: humboldt-centre@uni-bayreuth.de

Theresa Hübner

Theresa Hübner

Deputy Press & PR Manager
University of Bayreuth

Phone: +49 (0) 921 / 55-5357
E-mail: theresa.huebner@uni-bayreuth.de