University of Bayreuth, Press Release No 130/2023 - 18. September 2023
The National Science on Stage Education Festival: Ideas for innovative STEM teaching also from Upper Franconia
Rarely before have STEM teachers been as in demand and as important as they are today. Offering them a stage for exchange and further training is therefore essential. This is precisely where the approach of the non-profit association Science on Stage Germany lies. According to the motto "It all depends on the teachers", the initiative has been spreading new ideas for STEM education and networking teachers nationwide since 2000. The biennial National Education Festival is the heart of the activities. On a total of three festival days, all participants have the opportunity to exchange ideas at an education market, numerous workshops and short lectures. The main themes of this year's festival include diversity, sustainability and digitalisation in STEM education. The offerings are correspondingly diverse: In addition to workshops on topics such as "Energy Harvesting" or "Your own weather station in 45 minutes", more than 35 innovative teaching projects will be presented by teachers. All participants had to apply in advance with their project idea. A jury of experts then selected the festival projects from all the applications - including one from Upper Franconia and one from the Upper Palatinate.
The project "Computer-based self-test with grouping and learning path on the topic of plastics" at the Otto Hahn Gymnasium Marktredwitz: With the help of an uncomplicated web application, the students can anonymously answer general questions about what is happening in class and their level of knowledge. The programme identifies a suitable working group in accordance with data protection regulations, in which the pupils can be optimally supported.
The "Technology Day for Year 6 Pupils" at the Naabtal-Realschule in Nabburg: A technology day is organised for all Year 6 pupils, which introduces them to the various STEM subjects. The focus is on self-discovery. The school's STEM teachers prepare five different workshops for each class. The workshops cover topics such as radish indicator, physics show or hour of code and cover the areas of chemistry, physics, technology and computer science.Von allen beim Nationalen Festival präsentierten Projekten werden vor Ort diejenigen ausgewählt, die Deutschland beim Europäischen Science on Stage Festival vertreten, welches 2024 im finnischen Turku stattfindet und bei dem 450 MINT-Lehrkräfte aus über 30 Ländern teilnehmen.
Following the European Festival, particularly exciting projects will be disseminated as teaching materials or through further training. In this way, Science on Stage promotes STEM education in Germany but also throughout Europe.
The Bavarian metal and electrical employers bayme vbm and the vbw - Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V
think ING. the initiative for young engineers of the employers' association Gesamtmetall
University of Bayreuth
Stiftung Jugend forscht e. V.
Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation
Hopp Foundation for Computer Literacy & Informatics gGmbH
Science on Stage Germany is part of the largest European teacher network Science on Stage Europe. With its Science on Stage educational festivals, workshops and in-service training courses, it offers German STEM teachers a stage to present their best teaching ideas, to exchange ideas with colleagues from all over Europe and to learn from each other. The initiative has existed since 2003 and its activities reach 100,000 teachers from primary to secondary school in 35 countries. Science on Stage Deutschland e.V. is significantly supported by think ING., the initiative for young engineers of the employers' association Gesamtmetall.
Science on Stage Germany e.V.
Marika Philippsen
Am Borsigturm 15, 13507 Berlin
Phone +49 30 400067-42

Anja-Maria MeisterPress Spokesperson of the University of Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0) 921 / 55-5300