Research Associations
Current questions of scientific and social importance can only be answered through the joint efforts of the best minds. To this end, researchers at the University of Bayreuth join forces in research networks in which they break new ground in increasing our state of knowledge.
Below we present all collaborative research projects coordinated at the University of Bayreuth, including our outstanding junior research groups. You will also find our further exceptional research funding here.
Excellence Strategy
The aim of the Excellence Strategy is to consolidate Germany’s status as a centre of science and research well into the future. T do so, German universities are to further improve their international competitiveness., and since 2019, this funding programme has continued the successful development of German universities initiated under the Excellence Initiative (2005-2017). The funding is aimed at scientific excellence, profile building at universities, and cooperation in the scientific community.
Cluster of Excellence
Clusters of excellence are outstanding, internationally competitive fields of research at universities or university networks. They combine scientific excellence with a coherent research concept for the development of their thematic research field, interdisciplinary cooperation, and international networking. Clusters of excellence are funded on a project basis for seven years. Their strategic development concept for organisation and further development is closely coordinated with the University's development strategy.
EXC 2052
Africa Multiple: Reshaping research into Africa (in German language)
2019-2025GSC 144
Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS)
Collaborative Research Centres (SFBs) are long-term but temporarily financed research institutions of a university in which researchers work together in an interdisciplinary manner within the framework of a scientifically excellent, interdisciplinary research programme. SFBs make it possible to work on demanding and complex research projects by concentrating and coordinating the resources available at a university. In this way, they work towards building a profile at the participating university.
SFB 1585
MultiTrans – structured functional materials for multiple transport in nanoscale confinements
2023-2027SFB 1357
MICROPLASTICS – Laws of formation, transport, physico-chemical behaviour and biological effects: From model to complex systems as a basis for new approaches to solutions
since 2019SFB/
Transregio 225From the basics of biofabrication to functional tissue models
since 2018
Previous DFG Collaborative Research Centres
SFB 840
From particulate nanosystems to mesotechnology (in German language)
2009-2020SFB 481
Complex macromolecular and hybrid systems in internal and external fields
1998-2010SFB/FK 560
Local action in Africa in the context of global influences
2000-2007SFB 466
Lymphoproliferation and viral immunodeficiency (subfield, in cooperation with the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
1996-2007SFB 279
Interplay between order and transport in solids – the mutual influence of order states and transport phenomena in crystals, glasses, and polymers
1995-1998SFB 214
Identity in Africa – Processes of its Emergence and Change
1984-1997SFB 213
Topospecific chemistry and toposelective spectroscopy of macromolecular systems
1984-1995SFB 137
Laws and strategies of material turnover in ecological systems
A research unit is a close working alliance of several outstanding researchers working on a common research task. The medium-term funding (usually for six years) provides this cooperation with the necessary personnel and material resources. Research units often contribute to establishing new fields of work.
Previous DFG Research Units
FOR 790
Classification of Algebraic Surfaces and Compact Complex Manifolds
2007-2015FOR 655
Prioritisation in Medicine: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Statutory Health Insurance (together with Bremen and Frankfurt)
2007-2015FOR 580
Electron Transfer Processes in Anoxic Aquifers
2005-2014FOR 608
Nonlinear dynamics of complex continua
2005-2011FOR 562
Dynamics of soil processes under extreme meteorological boundary conditions
2005-2011FOR 402
Functionality in a tropical mountain rainforest of Southern Ecuador: Diversity, dynamic processes and utilisation potentials from an ecosystem perspective
2001-2007FOR 332
Transport phenomena in superconductors and superfluids (in cooperation with the University of Regensburg)
1998-2001FOR 222
Ageing processes in plants
1995-2001FOR 102
Equations of hydrodynamics
Research Training Groups are university institutions for the promotion of young researchers that are funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for a maximum of nine years. The focus is on the qualification of doctoral candidates within the framework of a thematically focused interdisciplinary research programme and a structured training concept. The aim is to intensively prepare doctoral students for the complex scientific job market, and at the same time nurture their early scientific independence.
IGRK 2818
"Optical excitations in organic and inorganic semiconductors: Understanding and control through external stimuli (together with the University of Melbourne and Monash University, Australia)
Previous DFG Research Training Groups
IGRK 2156
Deep Earth Volatile Cycles (together with the University of Tōhoku, Japan)
2016-2020GRK 1640
Photophysics of synthetic and biological multichromophoric systems
2010-2019GRK 1565
Complex Terrain and Ecological Heterogeneity (TERRECO): Evaluating Ecosystem Services in Production versus Water Yield and Water Quality in Mountainous Landscapes
2009-2015GRK 1229
Stable and metastable multiphase systems at high application temperatures
2006-2015GRK 1148
Intellectual property and public domain
2006-2015GRK 678
Active and signalling substances in insects – from structure to function in the ecosystem
2001-2007GRK 698
Non-equilibrium Phenomena and Phase Transitions in Complex Systems (EGK)
Rural regional development in the Maghreb (funded by DFG and GTZ)
1993-2004GRK 63
Nonlinear spectroscopy and dynamics
1991-2000GRK 190
Biosynthesis of proteins and regulation of their activity
1991-2000GRK 187
Intercultural relations in Africa
1990-1999GRK 172
Complex multiplicities
Materials and phenomena at very low temperatures
1990-1997GRK 137
Plant-Herbivore Systems
The special characteristic of a Priority Programme is the supraregional cooperation of its participating researchers in a coordinated, locally distributed programme. Priority Programmes provide impetus for the further development of important new topics and promote interdisciplinary exchange and networking.
Scientists at the University of Bayreuth coordinate the following programmes:
Previous DFG Priority Programmes
SPP 1415
Crystalline non-equilibrium phases – preparation, characterisation and in situ investigation of the formation mechanisms
2009-2016SPP 1296
Heterogeneous nucleation and microstructure formation: Steps towards a cross-system and cross-scale understanding
2007-2014SPP 1166
Lanthanide-specific functionalities in molecule and material
2004-2010SPP 1094
Global Methods in Complex Geometry
Scientists at the University of Bayreuth lead the following Emmy Noether Junior Research Groups:
Recently completed DFG Emmy Noether Junior Research Groups
Marie Spohn
Stoichiometric homeostasis of soil microorganisms as a driver for material cycles in grasslands
2016-2020Hauke Marquardt
Structure and Elasticity of GeoMaterials at extreme conditions
2014-2018Frank Hahn
Chemoenzymatic total synthesis of ambruticins and jerangolides
The aim of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) is to systematically open up and network the data holdings of science and research and to ensure the reusability of the data in accordance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). NFDI consortia work on the establishment of a sustainable research data management in Germany, each for an overarching subject area.
National Research Data Infrastructure for and with Computer Science (NFDIxCS)
Agnes Koschmider (co-speaker)
Through its Research Framework Programmes, the European Commission funds ambitious research projects in economically and politically important scientific fields, which are carried out in large international consortia. The leadership of such consortia demonstrates a prominent position in the European Research Area. The University of Bayreuth is currently coordinating the following projects:
Collaborative projects in the Horizon Europe research framework programme
Building ecosystems of person-centered integrated care through co-creation
Addressing the challenges of high-performance solution-processed OLEDs using sustainable materials (MSCA-DN)
Predictive REagent-Antibody Replacement Technology stage 2-Translation
The prestigious ERC grants are awarded to outstanding researchers who break new scientific ground with their projects.
ERC Starting Grants
Jos Kramer
AniMicroSocial: The role of animal-microbe interactions in the early evolution of animal social life
2025-2030Johanna Pausch
Matteo Bianchini
ERC Proof of Concept
Dirk Schüler
Tailored Bacterial Magnetic Nanoparticles For Biomedical Imaging
2023-2025Markus Retsch
CoolChips: Up-cycling plastic waste for distributed passive cooling applications
Through its Research Framework Programmes, the European Commission funds ambitious research projects in economically and politically important scientific fields, which are carried out in large international consortia. The leadership of such consortia demonstrates a prominent position in the European Research Area. The University of Bayreuth is currently coordinating the following projects:
Collaborative projects in the HORIZON 2020 research framework programme
PLASTMicroplastics In Europe’s Freshwater Ecosystems: from sources to solutions (MSCA-ITN)
Using the smart matrix approach to enhance TADF-OLED efficiency and lifetime (MSCA-ITN)
Industrial Development of Water Flow Glazing Systems
The prestigious ERC grants, in turn, are awarded to outstanding researchers who break new scientific ground with their projects.
ERC Starting Grants
Remco Hin
VapLoss: The chemical consequences of vapour loss during planetary accretion
2021-2025 (at University of Bayreuth: 2021-2023)Jana Hönke
Markus Retsch
ERC Consolidator Grants
Michael Wilczek
UniTED – Unraveling Turbulence through Ensemble Decomposition
2022-2026Alena Rettová
PhiGe: Philosophy and Genre: Creating a Textual Basis for African Philosophy
2020-2025Christoph Thomas
Birte Höcker
Protein Lego: Protein Design from Sub-domain Sized Fragments
ERC Advanced Grants
ERC Proof of Concept
Stephan Förster
CONMIC: Concrete micromolds for microinjection molding
ERC Synergy Grants in Horizon 2020
Birte Höcker (Universität Bayreuth)
Heiner Linke (Lunds Universitet)
Paul Curmi (University of New South Wales)
Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Actions: Individual Fellowships
With the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, the European Commission aims to promote the transnational and intersectoral mobility and career development of excellent, internationally mobile scientists, and to increase the attractiveness of scientific careers.
Guto Rhys
DENOPHECK: Purposing de novo protein scaffolds for the Heck reaction
2020-2022Frederik Van De Putte
Bouchra Marouane
The prestigious ERC grants are awarded to outstanding researchers who break new scientific ground with their projects.
ERC Consolidator Grants
Tillmann Lüders
POLLOX: Anaerobic Pollutant Degradation with Oxygen
ERC Advanced Grants
Fabrizio Catanese
TADMICAMT: Topological, Algebraic, Differential Methods in Classification and Moduli Theory
2014-2020David Rubie
ACCRETE: Accretion and Early Differentiation of the Earth and Terrestrial Planets
2012-2017Stephan Förster
STREAM: Structural Evolution at the Nano- and Mesoscale
2012-2017Daniel Frost
DEEP: Deep Earth Elastic Properties and a Universal Pressure Scale
Through the ERASMUS program, the European Union promotes lifelong learning and the mobility of students, young adults, faculty, and corporate personnel throughout Europe.
Coordinated ERASMUS projects
DISCOVERY SPACE: A technology enhanced Classroom for deeper Learning in STEM
The European Research Area (ERA) is fragmented by the logic of national funding. This fragmentation is to be overcome by coordinating and synchronising national thematic programmes. The coordinated programme is then jointly tendered and implemented in a transnational cooperation. ERA-Nets are thus based on coordinated cooperation between national and regional research funding organisations and programme agencies (in Germany: DFG, federal project management agencies, and ministries).
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports innovative projects and ideas in research through targeted funding programmes.
“Coordinated projects" are of particular importance. Research projects coordinated at the University of Bayreuth are usually characterised by cooperative and interdisciplinary structures.
Christoph Krönke
Data Protection Sandbox
2024-2027Martin Emmert
LePaLuMo: Improving the quality of life (QoL) of patients with lung cancer through preference-oriented QoL monitoring linked to cancer registry data – 2022-2025
Jana Hönke
HIERARCHIES – Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace & Conflict
2022-2026Jana Hönke
Collaborative project: BzeFK – Bavarian Center for Peace and Conflict Research
2022-2026Johanna Pausch
RhizoTraits: Rhizosphere properties help improve drought resistance in cereal crops
2020-2027Dieter Brüggemann
Joint project: LaGaMo – Laser ignition for effective and low-emission combustion in gas engines; Subproject: Characterisation and evaluation of a novel laser ignition system for gas engines (in German language)
2020-2023Stefan Jablonski
Process-based integration of human expectations in digitalised working environments (PRIME) (in German language)
2020-2023Eva M. Herzig
Joint project: NFA4R2ROPV – Industrial roll-to-roll manufacturing of organic photovoltaics based on non-fullerene acceptors; Subproject: Blend solvent systems and morphology (in German language)
2019-2022Britta Planer-Friedrich
Walter Krenkel
Additive manufacturing of nano diamond silicon carbide – NanoDiaSic (in German language)
2019-2021Walter Krenkel
Cost-optimised stack and improved off-grid system – KOSOS (in German language)
2018-2021Andreas Jess
Development of a new plasma-based process for the production of pollutant-free marine diesel fuel – PlasmaFuel (in German language)
2018-2021Christian Laforsch
Walter Krenkel
Fibre-reinforced material systems (FaRo) (in German language)
2015-2021Volker Altstädt
Basic research to clarify the structure-property relationship of epoxy resins and fibres from renewable raw materials for application in the secondary structure of aircraft – EcoPrepreg
2018-2020Thorsten Gerdes
Subproject: Development of micro hollow glass sphere-based building materials for the energetic refurbishment of buildings, in the joint project: Energetic modernisation of the Margaretenau cooperative residential estate in Regensburg - MAGGIE (in German language)
2017-2020Eckhard Nagel
Medicine 4.0 – The ethical foundation of digitalisation in the health sector – MED4.0-ETHIK (in German language)
2017-2020Frank Meyer
Better study conditions and more quality in teaching (2nd funding period); ProfiLehrePlus – University Teaching Bavaria 2020 – QPL2-PLP2-UniBayreuth
2016-2020Mark-M. Bakran
Sub-project: Compact and robust silicon carbide power electronics for urban mobility – SiCuM; robust and efficient control
2017-2019Volker Ulm
Quality Offensive Teacher Education: Subject & Cultural Diversities School & University
2016-2019Ricarda Bouncken
Joint project: Humanisation of digital work through cowork space – Hierda; sub-project Development of a modular and integrative coworking space concept consisting of organisational as well as communication and conflict management tools for digital and non-digital team and project work
2016-2019Mukundan Thelakkat
Nanostructured transparent hybrid network electrode for large-area semi-transparent solar cells – METNETWORK
2016-2019Achim von Oppen
The Future of Africa: Visions in Transition
2016-2018Anke Jentsch (UBT-DE)
Thomas Köllner (UBT-PES)BonaRes Module A – Project Network "SUSALPS": Sustainable use of alpine grasslands; subprojects socio-economics (UBT-PES: biodiversity; UBT-DE productivity and fodder yield)
2015-2018Rolf Steinhilper
Reconditioning of lithium-ion battery systems for reuse in a second life cycle – Batt2ReUp
2015-2018Volker Altstädt
Joint project: Smart photovoltaic inverter box; sub-project: Development of thermally conductive and stress-resistant base materials for high-temperature printed circuit board applications based on benzoxazine resins – Smart PVI-Box
2015-2018Ralf Moos
Sub-project: innovative shielding for generators and motors – iShield
The Elite Network Bavaria is aimed at particularly motivated and high-performing students, doctoral candidates, and postdocs. With its programmes combining the competencies in research and teaching of all Bavarian universities and research institutions, it creates the best framework conditions and performance incentives for highly-talented scholars.
Elite study programmes are open to students who are particularly willing to perform, while young researchers in international doctoral colleges are given the opportunity to carry out their doctoral projects in close contact with renowned scientists. In conjunction with an ongoing elite degree programme or International Doctoral Programme, postdocs can make the transition to academic independence as leaders of an International Junior Research Group.
University of Bayreuth as host university
since 2018
Scientific Computing (Elite programme of study)
since 2018
Electronic excitations in light-converting systems (International Junior Research Group led by Dr. Linn Leppert)
since 2016
MINT-Lehramt PLUS (Elite programme of study) (in German language)
since 2016
Biological Physics (Elite programme of study)
since 2014-2020
Structural Basis of Gene Regulation by Non-coding RNA (International Junior Research Group led by Dr. Claus D. Kuhn)
since 2006
Global Change Ecology (Elite programme of study)
since 2004
Macromolecular Science (Elite programme of study)
Structure, Reactivity and Properties of Oxide Materials (Doctoral Programme)
Lead Structures of Cell Function (Doctoral Programme)
Participation by the University of Bayreuth
since 2021
Business and Human Rights: Governance challenges in a complex world (Doctoral Programme, host university: FAU)
since 2015
Finance and Information Management (Elite programme of study, host university: University of Augsburg)
since 2005
Advanced Materials and Processes (Elite programme of study, host university: Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Receptor Dynamics: Emerging Paradigms for Novel Drugs (Doctoral Programme, host university: University of Würzburg)
Identification, optimisation and control for technical applications (Doctoral Programme, host university: Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Incentives – Bavarian Graduate Program of Economics (Doctoral Programme, host university: Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg)
NanoCat: Nanodesign of high-performance catalysts (Doctoral Programme, host university: Technical University of Munich)
Nano-Bio-Technology (Doctoral Programme, host university: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
The Bavarian Research Associations are interdisciplinary, application-oriented research projects. They run for three or six years and include several locations in Bavaria. A research alliance is founded out of a current concern, responds to a need for advice in business, society, or government, or is initiated as a direct investment in the future to secure Bavaria as a centre of research and business. The financial and content-related participation of partners from industry promotes the rapid implementation of scientific results.
University of Bayreuth as host university
Stephan Tremmel
Research Network for the Design of Sustainable Products Using Generative Design
2024-2027Andreas Jess
Graduiertenkolleg Energieautarke Gebäude
2015 – 2027 (July Start of the fourth funding period)Eva Jakob
U4Impact – The Programme for Entrepreneurial Future Makers
2022-2025Dieter Brüggemann
Reallabor Energiezukunft
ZET-Reallabor Energiezukunft Wunsiedel
2021-2024Thorsten Gerdes
Glas-Separatoren für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
2021-2024Volker Altstädt
Entwicklung und Qualifikation von kryogenen Niederdruck-Wasserstofftanks aus Faser-Kunststoff-Verbund mit Funktionsintegration in tragende Rumpfstrukturen und Sensoreinbettung zur Prozess-, Schadens- und Füllstandsüberwachung für elektrifizierte bemannte und unbemannte Flugzeugkonzepte
2021-2023Christoph Thomas
Migration of urban climate and ozone risks
2020-2023Volker Ulm
Universität und Berufsschule
Universität und Berufsschule-Symbiose für Lehrerbildung
2020-2023Christoph Thomas/Anke Nölscher
Reinigen neue Luftfiltersysteme von urbanem Stickstoffdioxid? (Do active air cleaning systems remove nitrogen dioxide from urban air?)
2020-2023Anke Nölscher
Methodoptimization for chemical analysis for the ultrafine particles
2020-2024Anke Nölscher
Characterizing ultrafine particles in air close to Munich Airport
2020-2023Stefan Pfeiffer
Effects of multiple stressors on streams in a changing climate
Participation by the University of Bayreuth
Heike Feldhaar/Stephan Clemens
Ecotoxicology in Bavaria (in German language)
Previous Bavarian Research Associations
Angelika Mustroph
Strategies for adapting crops to climate change
2016-2019Ralf Moos
Oxidation-stable and catalytically active materials for "breathing" thermoelectrochemical energy systems (in German language)
2015-2018Dieter Brüggemann
Bavarian Hydrogen Center
2012-2018Ruth Freitag
Resource-conserving biotechnology in Bavaria
2015-2018Frank Rieg
Bavarian research association for efficient product and process development through knowledge-based simulation
2013-2016Torsten M. Kühlmann
Bavarian Research Association Migration and Knowledge
2009-2013Thorsten Gerdes
Bavarian Research Association for Glass Materials for Energy-Efficient Building Technology
2009-2012Carl Beierkuhnlein
Bavarian Research Association Climate Impacts on Ecosystems and Climate Adaptation Strategies
2009-2012Torsten Kühlmann
Bavarian Research Association Transnational Networks
2005-2008Dieter Brüggemann
Bavarian Research Association for Turbulent Combustion
The VolkswagenStiftung (= Volkswagen Foundation) promotes science and technology in research and teaching. It enables research projects in promising areas and helps scientific institutions to improve the structural conditions for their work. It pays special attention to young researchers and to cooperation between researchers across disciplinary and national boundaries.
University of Bayreuth as host university
Frank Döpper (University of Bayreuth)
Franz Konstantin Fuss (University of Bayreuth)
Clara Usma-Mansfield (Deakin University, Australia)D3MAT - A design approach to advance circularity at a multidimensional product Level
since 2025Martin Ott (University of Bayreuth)
Oliver Sass (University of Bayreuth)
Astrid Swenson (University of Bayreuth)X-Archives - Methodische Brücken zwischen Geomorphologie und Geschichtswissenschaft
since 2024Prof. Dr. Lena Kästner (University of Bayreuth)
Prof. Dr. Eva Schmidt (TU Dortmund University)
Prof. Dr. Georg Borges (Saarland University)
Prof. Dr. Ulla Wessels (Saarland University)
Dr. Markus Langer (Saarland University)
Prof. Dr. Cornelius König (Saarland University)
Prof. Dr. Holger Hermanns (Saarland University)Rose Marie Beck (University of Leipzig)
Anne Storch (University of Cologne)
Clarissa Vierke (University of Bayreuth)Recalibrating Afrikanistik
2019-2026Jan-Otmar Hesse (University of Bayreuth)
Antonie Doležalová (Charles University Prag)
Neil Forbes (Coventry University in Coventry)
Ben Wubs (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Promotionskolleg 053
Doctoral college for intersectionality studies (University of Bayreuth, Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt) – 2022-2026
Prof. Dr. Holger Ruckdäschel