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Extension subjects and supplementary studies in the teacher training programme

You would like to start a teacher training programme at the University of Bayreuth and wish to choose an extension subject or a supplementary study programme? You can find an overview on this page.

Extension subject Performing Arts

The extension programme in Performing Arts, which is offered in Bayreuth in cooperation with the departments of Theatre Studies and Didactics of German Language & Literature, is aimed at teacher training students and active teachers of all school types and subjects. The programme leads to the final examination (1st state examination) in four semesters and provides the theoretical knowledge and practical skills that (prospective) school drama teachers need. It enables the acquisition of theatre-scientific, pedagogical, and subject-didactic knowledge and theatre-practical skills that underpin one's own drama work in school and the design and guidance of creative scenic play processes in class.

Extension subject Didactics of German as a Second Language

The extension subject Didactics of German as a Second Language was created by the German Studies sub-subjects Didactics of German Language & Literature, Intercultural German Studies, and German Linguistics. Four professionally oriented degree programmes with the same content were established for different target groups:

  • the extension course of study of the same name for the teaching profession (all subject combinations and types of schools), cf. LPO I, §112,
  • a BA minor for various BA degree programmes,
  • a "further education study programme certificate“, and
  • a "supplementary course of study" for interested BA and MA students of all disciplines.

As a rule, the programme can be started in the winter semester in all four fields of study, and even in the summer semester by arrangement. The time frame of the study programme extends to at least four semesters. During this time, the course content is imparted to students in modular form.

Supplementary programme MINT-Lehramt PLUS

Promoting gifted students in teacher training - this is what the Universities of Bayreuth and Würzburg are implementing with the innovative elite programme "MINT-Lehramt PLUS". Within the framework of the Bavarian Elite Network, particularly gifted and capable students of STEM subjects like biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, and physics for the teaching profession at grammar schools receive educational and developmental opportunities that go substantially beyond what is offered in the regular teacher training programmes. They can enrich their teacher training programme with a wide range of additional courses. To ensure that the elite programme can be combined with the teacher training programme as flexibly as possible, two forms of study have been set up: 1. you can start the supplementary study programme as soon as you have acquired 100 credit points in the regular teacher training programme. 2. you can enrol in the elite master's programme as soon as you have a teaching-related bachelor's degree. This opens up numerous possibilities for completing the elite programme alongside a teacher training programme or subsequently to complete a teacher training programme.

Any questions? We would be happy to inform, advise, and support you – confidentially, personally, and independently

Zentrale Studienberatung der Universität Bayreuth

Student Advising

Hotline: +49 (0)921 / 55-4433 (Tue-Thu, 10-11 a.m.)
Website: www.studienberatung.uni-bayreuth.de/en/index.html

Link to contact form

You want even more? You can find information about other supplementary degree programmes at the University of Bayreuth on our website.

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