University of Bayreuth, Press Release Nr. 039/2023, 03.04.2023
Ecological-Botanical Garden of the University of Bayreuth is a hotspot for wild bees in Central Europe
214 wild bee species, and thus a little more than 40 per cent of the bee species found in Bavaria, were detected last year in the Ecological-Botanical Garden of the University of Bayreuth (ÖBG) as part of a master's thesis. Among them were four species threatened with extinction, such as Ammobates punctatus, as well as numerous other endangered species.
Endangered: Ammobates punctatus, in the ÖBG
Daniel Schanz
Die Große Weiden-Sandbiene, Andrena vaga: Eine streng oligolektische, auf Weiden spezialisierte Art.
Stefan Dötterl
Sand slope in the Ecological-Botanical Garden with more than 50 ground-nesting wild bee species.
Elisabeth Obermaier
Insektenfreundliches Staudenbeet im Nutzpflanzengarten des ÖBG. Hier wurde eine vom Aussterben bedrohte Kuckucksbiene, die Waldrand-Wespenbiene Nomada facilis gefunden.
Elisabeth Obermaier