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University of Bayreuth, Press Release No 051/2023 -  2 May 2023

Green light for Future Energy Lab in Wunsiedel

Today, the Bavarian Cabinet gave the green light for state support for the UBT Future Energy Lab Wunsiedel GmbH. In it, the University of Bayreuth will contribute its expertise in researching and practically testing the generation, storage, transport and use of energy from renewable sources at the Wunsiedel Energy Park.  

What is symbolically represented in this picture is to be networked in the UBT Future Energy Lab Wunsiedel GmbH.

University President Prof. Dr. Stefan Leible: "This decision by the Bavarian Cabinet is yet another confirmation of our course: The scientists at the University of Bayreuth do not do research in an ivory tower, they go where the music plays. We take up regional challenges as well as national issues. We are an important local partner for innovation and we have great partners in the region for the implementation and practical testing of our research. I thank the state government for supporting the joint project in Wunsiedel - which embodies the transfer idea typical of the University of Bayreuth like no other - with 15.5 million euros."

"The goals of the energy transition and climate protection are ambitious. But we can achieve them if we look more at the energy system as a whole," emphasises Professor Dr.-Ing. Dieter Brüggemann, Director of the Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Bayreuth, who will head the new UBT Future Energy Lab Wunsiedel GmbH in Wunsiedel. Among other things, innovative concepts will be developed there to digitally network energy producers and consumers. The focus will also be on mobility and transport in rural areas. An important goal of the Future Energy Lab is to support regional companies with energy-intensive processes in converting from fossil to renewable energies. Research and development will be accompanied by programmes for further education and by the promotion of innovation and business start-ups.  

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Brüggemann

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Brüggemann

Chair of Engineering Thermodynamics and Transport Processes 
Director of the Centre for Energy Technology (ZET)

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-7160
E-mail: brueggemann@uni-bayreuth.de

Anja Maria Meister

Anja-Maria Meister

Press Spokesperson of the University of Bayreuth

Phone: +49 (0) 921 / 55-5300
E-mail: anja.meister@uni-bayreuth.de