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University of Bayreuth, Press Release No. 055/2023, 4 May 2023

Two Bayreuth games receive FilmFernsehFonds Bayern games funding

FilmFernsehFonds Bayern is funding two video games created at the University of Bayreuth with a total of 75,000 euros. The two student projects can be further developed with this funding.

Two Bayreuth computer game projects have received FilmFernsehFonds (FFF) Bayern GmbH funding for development. The two Bayreuth projects are called "Cursed Broom" and "Salt Collector". Both game ideas were developed as part of the studies at the University of Bayreuth.

"Cursed Broom" is a 2D game in which players learn to control a cursed witch's broom together with the protagonist Maya and master the dangerous levels with breathtaking flying manoeuvres.

Maya also learns a teleportation ability with which players can regulate the difficulty of the game. The team consists of Daniel Schulz, Tina Wolfrum and Niclas Schilling and will receive 45,000 euros for the prototype development.

Daniel Schulz, Tina Wolfrum and Niclas Schilling (v.l.)

"Salt Collector" is an interactive extended reality floor projection in which children can immerse themselves in maps and learn cultural content in an explorative way. In the process, they directly influence the game world by moving themselves on the playing surface and interacting with game objects. The project development of the team around Niclas Schilling, Ruben Schäfer and John Beinecke is funded with 30,000 euros.

Ruben Schäfer, Niclas Schillin and John Beinecke (v.l.)

The initial idea for the project was developed as part of the Master's programme "Computer Game Science" under lecturer Robin Hädicke and was then continued by the students. "It's nice to see that the ideas developed in a seminar live on after the end of the semester," says Robin Hädicke, who works as a coach in the Game Innovation Lab at the University of Bayreuth. "Time and again, games emerge from our Master's programme that are recognised by prizes or funding beyond the academic achievement," also says Prof. Dr. Jochen Koubek, Professor of Applied Media Studies Digital Media, where the Game Innovation Lab is located. "This not only shows the passion of our students, but also the know-how they are given here."

The FFF Bayern's games funding supports the development of high-quality, culturally or educationally significant computer games. In addition, the aim of the games funding is to strengthen the Bavarian games industry, to ensure a diverse cultural landscape and to support innovation.

Robin Hädicke

Robin Hädicke

Coach Game Innovation Lab

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4680
E-mail: Robin.Haedicke@uni-bayreuth.de

Jennifer Opel

Jennifer Opel (parental leave)Deputy Press & PR Manager

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5357
E-mail: jennifer.opel@uni-bayreuth.de