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A globe lies between fork and spoon

Global Food, Nutrition and Health, Master of Science (M.Sc.) ​

From a global perspective, we are far from being able to supply all people with food in such a way that they can lead an active and healthy life. Nutrient deficiency, malnutrition in its tremendous variety as well as planetary, social and cultural determinants to health are serious issues and central challenges of the 21st century. These global health problems are primarily not a request to medicine, but rather to the nutrition and health sciences and to the industry and politics implementing them. At the same time, social science, cultural, sociological and ecological aspects play an important role in the production, trade and consumption of food. It therefore seems imperative to demonstrate the link between the production and supply of sufficient and safe food worldwide ("Food"), between the social and cultural aspects of nutrition (“Nutrition”) and its impact on health (“Health”) in a global context from a scientific and educational point of view.

Mirna Al Masri
I was most interested in the global perspective with which we handle topics in Global Food, Nutrition and Health at Bayreuth University. I was amazed by the interdisciplinary, holistic approach followed and the diversity of the modules. It just looked like the perfect program that aligns with my future career goals. I am currently in the second semester and feeling grateful not only for joining this Master but also for having the opportunity to meet classmates from all over the world! Additionally, staying in Kulmbach was the best decision I made to enrich my journey.

Mirna Al Masri, Student M.Sc. Global Food, Nutrition and Health

Any more questions? Please contact the coordinators of the degree programme.

Prof. Dr. Tim Dorlach

Prof. Dr. Tim Dorlach

Junior Professor of Global Nutrition and Health Policy

Phone: +49 (0)9221 / 407-9254
E-mail: gfnh@uni-bayreuth.de
Fakultät VII / Campus Kulmbach
Fritz-Hornschuch-Straße 13, 95326 Kulmbach 

Prof. Dr. Marika Haderer

Prof. Dr. Marika Haderer

Professor for Nutritional Physiology

Phone: +49 (0)9221 / 407-1130
E-mail: marika.haderer@uni-bayreuth.de

Fakultät VII / Campus Kulmbach
Fritz-Hornschuch-Straße 9, 95326 Kulmbach

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